Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And Just Like That, It's Time to Go

Today is our last day in Ukraine. I can't believe how fast the past two months flew by. (Does it feel like it went fast for you too?) I am both very happy to be going back to the states and very sad to be saying good-bye to Roma's family. We likely won't make it back here for two or three years. By that time, Veronika will be speaking in complex sentences. Ideally, our plan is for Roma's parents to visit us in Washington next year. Knowing that there is at least a tentative plan to see them makes it a little easier to say good-bye. Tears will be shed all the same though.

Since it will be awhile until we're all together again, we tried to really maximize family time this past week. On an especially muggy evening, the whole family went out for beers. (Though technically, only Papa and Roma drank beer. The rest of us drank kvac. So it'd probably be more accurate to say that the whole family went out for kvac. Except Veronika. She went out for a banana.)

We also went on one final shashleek. Below, Mama, Oksana and Veronika wait for the meat to cook, though all the other usual suspects were in attendance as well.

Roma and I had brought over the fixing for smores and -- without any time to spare -- we finally remembered to make them. They were a big hit. Everyone kept asking how to translate "smore." But how do you translate something that's not even really a word? Veronika didn't care too much to try any smores, though she sure went to town on the Hershey's chocolate.

Our train leaves tonight at 10 PM. Papa, Mama, Oksana and Veronika are driving us to the train station. Our friend Kolya is taking Yulia, Sasha, Alona and Kuzya there as well to help send us off in style. All I can say is that there will definately be some fanfare on the train platform tonight.

Roma and I will arrive in Kiev at 2 AM. Our flight leaves at 6:30 AM. We fly from Kiev to Paris to San Francisco. From SF, we fly to LA and then to Palm Springs where we will be joining my family on the tail end of their vacation. I'm exhausted by the very thought of our epic travel day but I take heart knowing that this little guy is waiting for us at the other end.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Couple of Things

For some reason, the stuffed animals here really creep me out. It's a combination of their bright, obnoxious colors and weird cartoony eyes. I don't like being in the same room with a bunch of them at once. Would you want to be alone with too many of these psychedelic play pals?

We had a lovely time celebrating our anniversary on Sunday. We took our family and friends to dinner at our favorite little restaurant in Bar. Roma's parents never go out to eat so it was special to be able to do so with them. Here's a family shot:

A couple weeks ago, Roma and I successfully tracked down nearly all necessary sushi ingredients and I was able to make sushi for the family to try. I was very worried that they wouldn't like it because it's comparatively, so different from what they usually eat. I was particularly convinced that Papa wouldn't like it. I've seen him try different dishes made with traditional Ukrainian ingredients and say: "This, this isn't food. Borshch, meat, potatoes, that's food." Sushi was a hit, however. And to my great delight, Papa liked it best of all.

We are off to the village today. I believe we will spend the night. It will be our last time seeing Grandma and Grandpa during this trip. Considering his grandpa's health, I know that saying good-bye will be hard for Roma. He has always been very close to these grandparents.

When Roma was young, he'd spend entire summers with them helping out around the farm. When he was still a little kid, he'd sleep in the same bed as his grandpa. Grandpa would tell him bedtime stories as little Roma would drift off to sleep. In his sleep, Roma would always sling his leg over his grandpa like a body pillow and hug him all through the night. There are still nights where in his sleep, Roma will sling his leg over me in the same manner.

Big good-byes are never easy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cats, Cows & Other Tidbits

On Saturday, it was once again our turn to walk the cows. (Insert forced smile here.) This time Roma and I took the morning shift and left the afternoon shift to Papa. You may remember how I was all giddy to walk the cows the first time? Yeah... distant memory for me too.

After our turn with the cows, we returned to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Roma lent himself to some manual labor and I hung out with the cat.

Years ago, when I first came to the village, I named this cat Daisy. She's tiny and she's sweet. She likes to sit next to me and purr. Once, I tried to coerce a lap snuggle from her. Bad idea. Her claws are like finely sharpened blades. I still have puncture marks from all her kneading.

Veronika did not come with us to the village this time, though she absolutely loves to run around the farm. The only thing she doesn't like about the farm is the grown, male Turkey. His gobbles really freak her out.

One funny thing about Veronika is that she chronically has CRAZY hair on the back of her head.

Guys, that's not just her morning hair, that's her all-the-time hair. (Though, to be fair, Oksana does a great job taming it and hiding it under hats.) The thing I like most about Veronika's all-the-time hair is that it reminds me a great deal of my dear Grandma Ann's I-just-woke-up hair.

(Speaking of my dear Grandma Ann, we missed wishing her a happy birthday when we were down at the sea. Happy Belated Birthday Grandma Ann! We love you and look forward to seeing you soon!)

While in the village this weekend, I discovered that Grandma Ann's I-just-woke-up hair and Veronika's all-the-time hair have a a farm animal counterpart.

Can you see it?

How awesome is that?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Us!

It is our one year anniversary.

I awoke this morning to a gorgeous boquet of red and pink roses. Roma had gotten up early, slipped out of bed without me even hearing (no small feat, people) and bought me the freshest flowers at the bazaar. He presented them to me while I was still in bed. Literally.

Check out my monumental bedhead. (That's what happens when you sleep with wet hair.)

Veronika ran in to give me my morning snuggle, but she got distracted smelling the roses.

How about the Coorslight shirt? Classy, no?

Tonight we are taking our family and closest friends to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. Wish you were all here to celebrate with us. Our love to all.