Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lots O Snow

It's been a cold, snowy week here in Spokane, though last night, the snow really started coming down. This morning, we woke up to a winter wonderland.

The boys had some major shoveling to do in the walkways,

the driveways...

& off the carport roof.

It might be just me, but I'm thinking that the mail isn't going to make it today...

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. We're having round two tonight :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Verdict Is In...

We're having a girl!

Her due date remains approximately the end of March.

She was incredibly squirmy during the ultrasound today. She must take after her father. He can't seem to sit still either :)

My belly has grown nearly two inches in the past week and a half. Sarah was kind enough to snap some shots of me. Here it is looking nice and round...

(20 weeks)

And here is just a funny out-take. This is me "raising the alarm" as Jackson reaches for my ice water. He's really into ice.

Some of you might be wondering how my other baby is faring. Rest assured that Klitchko is doing well. He has adjusted nicely to Spokane. He's buddies with my sister's cat, Tieton. He hasn't been nearly as pesky towards the other animals as he has in the past. Apparently all Klitchko needed to take the bully out of him was a big-brother cat and a toddler that keeps him on his toes...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Funny Favorite

How'd you like to stumble upon this trio at Fred Myer? Would that not put a smile on your face?

Even better, imagine later stumbling upon Steve & Roma -- still side-by-side -- each with an outstretched arm on the cart, simultaneously sipping blueberry Odwalla drinks...

Wish I'd snapped a shot of that :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Belly Photos

For those of you dying to see the progression of my belly, here are a couple of photos. I am admittedly, horrible at remembering to take these. Luckily, Sarah is good about pinning me down to snap the occasional shot :)

(13 Weeks)

(18 weeks)

We are scheduled for an ultra sound on the 15th of this month. We'll finally be able to get a glimpse of our little buddy. To say we are excited is an understatement. We will also be able find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Believe you me, we want to know :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

It appears that Halloween, well, Halloween costumes to be more precise, were just the thing to finally motivate me to upload pictures off of my camera. Now, I see that I have months of fun pictures and little anecdotes to share. If only Halloween had come sooner then I wouldn't find myself in the predicament of deciding what to share first. Seeing as Halloween was the catalyst, I suppose it's fair to start there.

Roma and Steve went to a Halloween party Saturday night and thus, found themselves in costume. Steve went as Michael Phelps. He naired his whole body and later, described doing so as "one of his three Halloween regrets." The other two? Partaking in the tequilla jello-shots and participating in a "rap-off."

Roma went as Mr. Clean, which in case you were wondering, is marketed as Mr. Muscle in Ukraine.

Mr. Clean did not participate in any rap-off :)

Jackson was a lion for Halloween. He especially liked being able to roar in his costume. In fact, he liked it so much that he was still roaring when he woke up this morning. Sarah and Steve took him to three of their neighbors houses to trick-or-treat. I don't think he necessarily understood what the heck was going on, but boy did he know how to grab himself a candy bar out of the bowl :) He was super cute.

Here he is, mid-ROAR!