Thursday, May 26, 2011

Two Months Today!

Eleanor is two months old today! She is smiling and cooing and squealing and is just so much fun. She looks a ridiculous amount like Roma. More and more so everyday. She even has his hairline-- much to his dismay. (I've assured him her hair will grow in though. And it's already getting "peachfuzzy" there on top, so that's good. She won't be going to first grade with a comb-over.)

Like I said, Eleanor is tons of fun though still a rascal at times. She doesn't really nap during the day for any significant amount of time and that can be exhausting. And, because of her, I'm still off dairy. I never thought I'd give up cheese, but for my little girl I did.

Other things I never thought I'd do:
- Talk in the third person (Guilty)
- Talk in a voice so high-pitched that the dog leaves the room (Guilty)
- Say things like "coochy-coochy-coo" (Yes folks, guilty here too)

I guess what I'm saying is that motherhood has changed me in unexpected ways :)

Isn't she just too cute?? I think so.

In other happy news, Roma got a new job! He accepted a position at a local hospital working in the kitchen. We are so thankful for this new (and full-time!!) employment.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Last weekend Grandma and Grandpa were in town again. It was great. We participated in Bloomsday, which is a 7.4 mile race here in Spokane. Some 50,000 people come from all over the state to walk & run Bloomsday, so it's quite the affair. Burnsaniuk(affey) walked it this year & it was lovely. We only had to stop once for a feeding & a diaper change and why lie, a honeybucket stop. We finished at the back of the pack but in front of the transvestite walking in stilettos, so that was something to feel good about.

Here are Roma & Eleanor with Grandma & Grandpa waiting for the race to start:

Here is a close up of Ellie-Els. She's not sure what she thinks of Bloomsday but suffice to say, she finds the whole affair suspect...

Here is a Romaniuk family shot:

And a Burns family shot:

You might think that it was Sarah or Steve who put Jackson's ball cap on backwards but you'd be wrong. Backwards is Jackson's preferred way to wear his winney-the-pooh hat. That's just how he rolls.


In Eleanor news, she's six weeks now and as you can see, she's really starting to chunk up. I took her to the doctor last week and she weighed 10.3 pounds. That's a three pound gain since our last doctor's visit. The pictures down below don't do justice to her chubby, droopy, jowls; but, they'll have to do for now.

She's on the verge of smiling for real-- not just when she's gassy, which is super exciting. In the meantime however, she remains pretty serious and at times, apparently concerned...

Except, that is, when she's letting me know that I'm number one...