Elsy-belsy-boos & Wacky-Jacky are buds.
Eleanor is just growing by leaps and bounds, I swear. This week she rolled over for the first time. We were hanging out on the floor you know, just chilling and doing some tummy-time when all the sudden, she tipped to the side and over she rolled. She had big 'ole saucer-surprise eyes and for a moment wasn't sure if she should cry. But then I swooped in and showered her with praise and she was all smiles.
She likes sitting up more and more in both her bumbo and the exersaucer. She gets tired really fast in both because it's a lot of work for her little body. As most with things, she loves it loves it ... until she doesn't :)
She's started grabbing and pulling on things that dangle. (Hair & earings beware!) The first time she pulled the butterfly off of her "activity arch" (yes, that's what it's called) she squeeled with delight.
It wasn't all fun and games this week though. She did go on a 24 hour nursing strike wherein she flat out refused the boob. Let me tell you, not only did the boob feel rejected; but the boob was super depressed at the thought that Els might never nurse again... Silly boob. So sensitive and dramatic.
Here are some fun pictures of Eleanor in the exersaucer:
It used to be Jackson's and he still thinks it's pretty cool. I'm all for putting him in it because A) in confines him for a brief period of time, and B) it's just hilarious.