Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Month in Review

Has it really been a month since I last posted? I guess it has.

The last month has been full of fun times. Burnsaniuk flew down to California for some Mahaffey family fun in the sun. We spent a week living the good life in Palm Springs. We soaked up the heat, hit the pools & played at the water park.

Not that they were short on it, but Eleanor & Jackson enjoyed lots of cousie time:

Eleanor tried cereal for the first time. She wasn't so sure what she thought of it, though she enjoyed the process of making a mess with the spoon.

We got to celebrate my dad's birthday with him, which was fun. My mom took us out to dinner & because my dad is the last person on earth who would want to be part of a restaurant birthday scene, she made sure he had one :)

When we got back from Palm Springs, Burnsaniuk went camping to celebrate Sarah's 30th birthday. To make it extra special, Roma and I surprised her with the most embarrassing balloon we could possibly find.

The best part of the embarrassing balloon? Jackson was obsessed with it. He spent 80 percent of his time flaunting it as he ran around the campsite with it tied to his pants.

In addition to an embarrassing balloon, I unintentionally baked the world's ugliest cake. It wasn't so ugly before it traveled, I swear...

El was a trooper. She played in her exersaucer...

And hung out with Jackson in the kiddie-tent:

Roma got to fish...

And El-Bell and I got to hang out with Sarah & Jackie...

Oh, and Sarah & Steve unintentionally dress liked twins...

That made the trip extra awesome.

In Ellie news, we went to the doctor yesterday for our (somewhat late) four month check-up. She is now 15 lbs, 12 oz (74th percentile) & 26.5 inches long (96th percentile). She's got two bottom teeth poking through & giving her a bit a grief; but other than that, she's doing great & continuing to bring so much joy to our days.

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