Saturday, January 14, 2012

El's Days & Ways

I know, I know! I haven't posted anything in FOREVER. What can I say? Except that I've been slacking. El is now going to daycare two days a week so I can work in our family's tax office. She goes to the same wonderful in-home daycare as Jackson. She loves, loves, loves playing with the other kids. It was hard to drop her off the first day, but I doubt that's unusual. Below you will find the note (essay?) I wrote to the daycare provider, Carol, regarding my little El-bell's days & ways. Thought I'd share :)
Eleanor’s (usual,though not always) Schedule & Idiosyncrasies:

9:00 – 10:00: Somewhere in this hour she goes down for her morning nap. You will know she’s ready when she gets fussy and dramatic. She sleeps on average, about 40 minutes. Without fail, she fusses and cries when she goes down. I let her cry it out.

10:00 – 11:00: She usually eats a 6 oz bottle. Often, she’ll eat a couple ounces, push the bottle away, and crab-crawl off to play. Then, a bit later, she’ll realize she’s still hungry, fuss & finish the bottle. She’s a little weirdo like that.

11:30 – 12:30: She gets hungry for lunch and real food. She eats a ridiculous amount of food. You’ll know she’s done when she starts smashing things on her tray and fussing. She’s super dramatic about having her face & hands cleaned so don’t be alarmed if she starts squealing like you’re pulling out her toenails.

1:00- 1:30: She goes down within this half hour. I always offer her a small bottle before even though she usually has just eaten her weight in food. She’ll eat anywhere between two and four ounces. Pretty much without fail, she will cry and fuss when you put her down. Let her cry it out. She naps between 1.5 & 2 hours, though more often, it’s an hour and a half.

3:00-4:00: I offer her a bottle. She usually eats about six ounces, though I offer her eight. Sometimes, she’ll just eat a little and hold out for real food. She will happily snack when it is
snack time.

4:30-5:00: Sometimes she gets really hungry for real food. I will offer her a hearty snack/dinner around this time if she is fussing like she’s hungry.

Other idiosyncrasies:

-Eleanor is really into paper & there is no end to how much she will eat if she gets her hands on it. She’ll show uncanny determination to get a hold of it too, so just be aware that art projects within her reach are not safe.
-In addition to paper, she’s always trying to eat diaper wipes.
-She loves musical toys & Jackson-- maybe more than paper.
-She’s really into wristwatches & because her nanny always gives her the watch on demand, she thinks she’s entitled to every watch that catches her eye. Strange little phase.
-She’s practicing lots of new skills so bonks her head a lot. Usually a quick snuggle will suffice. We also tend to tell her, "You're tough, Eleanor. Be tough."
-She’s not particularly cuddly. She doesn’t tend to want to be held unless she’s tired.
-She seldom will lie still while having her diaper changed & sometimes she’ll fuss rather dramatically about putting her pants back on.
-I’m not above placating her fussiness with a cracker. Perhaps that’s why she’s such a chunk.
-When she touches something she isn’t suppose to, I tell her “Eleanor, no. No touch.” Then I relocate her away from said item and distract with another toy. Sometimes she’ll go back so I’ll
say no again. Sometimes, she’ll look and me and smile mischievously and continue on. This is when we give her a “time out.” I’ll hold her for about 40 seconds in a held/hug position. Don’t feel like you need to do it this way, but it’s what we do when she’s being a naughty little stinker.

Monday, October 31, 2011

GG Jack Comes Home

Great Grandpa Jack is now all settled in and I dare say, really enjoying himself. And really, how could he not? With these little squirts always around...

And this little kitty crawling up into his lap to give him smiles and snuggles...

We got his room all set up to his liking...

Though frankly, all of his time has been spent downstairs in the family room in his swiveling chair.

When he's not in his chair watching El crawl around (and herding her away from the fireplace), he'll join me in the kitchen and sit with me while I cook. He also enjoys watching Eleanor eat her yummies. I don't blame him. She's pretty darn cute, especially when she cracks herself up.

Here the spoon inexplicably ended up stuck to her forehead. We're still trying to figure that one out.

All in all, things are going really well. We are so happy that GG Jack made the brave decision to leave sunny California and join us here where it is much, much colder.

Spokane was where he met my grandma 60+ years ago, and so he likes to say "Well, it seems I've come full-circle."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


There have been lots of changes since I last posted. Most notably, Roma, Eleanor and I moved into our own place. El-bell is no longer in an officery, but in a proper room of her own. Hooray!

The house we moved into is beautiful and big-- so big in fact, that we invited my grandmother up from California to live with us. And you know what? She accepted! Grandma Ann, or rather, Nanny Annie as I have re-named her for the kids, has been a wonderful addition to the Romaniuk household. She and I are quite suited to be housemates. For one thing, we both love crime dramas and for another, she likes my cooking. Jackson and Eleanor have certainly enjoyed having their Nanny around & I can say with certainty, that she has loved their snuggles.

Nanny Annie brought up her cat Phoebe, who used to be my cat Phoebe & is in fact, the other Ukrainian cat with a passport who came back stateside with me after the Peace Corps. Klitchko and Phoebes are thus, reunited and I guess in a way, you could say that things have come full circle in their animal kingdom.

Now that Roma and I have moved out of Sarah and Steve's place, you might be wondering what happened to Burnsaniuk. Well, I assure you, Burnsaniuk lives on. We only moved five minutes away and I see Sarah and Jackson practically everyday.

Speaking of Eleanor, she's getting so big. She's now almost seven months old, 17 pounds chunky and 27 inches long. She's eating lots of different solid foods. Her favorites include squash, avacado and pears. She's army crawling all over the place and at times, she'll even get up on her knees and crawl properly. She's got lots of energy and continues to make us laugh and bring us joy beyond measure.

Here she is with Roma having fun at the pumpkin patch:

And here she is hanging out with her minnie doll:

And here she is with the kitty her great aunt drew & framed for her. How about that two-toothed grin?

El has had her challenges of course. She is still not sleeping through the night, though she's getting closer. She still is not a consistent napper, though things seem to be getting better bit by bit in that arena too. I took away her pacifier about three weeks ago and since then, there have been major sleep improvement.

The first night without the pacifier was the hardest. She put up an incredible fight and her dad wanted to cave. Heck, he would have caved if I hadn't been there saying: stay strong honey! This is for her own good! We are stronger than her in this situation, WE-WILL-WIN!

You know what? We did. Score one for mom & dad.


We've had lots of visitors since moving into our new place. Grandpa Mark came to play:

And Grandma Sheri came to play:

And my oldest friend Annie Parsons came to say hello:

AND... perhaps most exciting of all...

Great Grandpa Jack came up for a visit and enjoyed himself so much that he accepted our offer to move in with us too!!!!!

So... next week, Eleanor and I are going to fly down to California and help Great Grandpa Jack -- who has yet to receive his nickname... we'll see what comes to me :) -- pack up his room. Then, we're bringing him back up with us. Hooray! Why else live in a big house, if you can't pack if full of the people who are dearest to you?

And in case you think we are maxed out -- those who are dear to us but do not wish to relocate -- know that we'll still have a guest room to fill. So consider yourselves invited up for a visit :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Month in Review

Has it really been a month since I last posted? I guess it has.

The last month has been full of fun times. Burnsaniuk flew down to California for some Mahaffey family fun in the sun. We spent a week living the good life in Palm Springs. We soaked up the heat, hit the pools & played at the water park.

Not that they were short on it, but Eleanor & Jackson enjoyed lots of cousie time:

Eleanor tried cereal for the first time. She wasn't so sure what she thought of it, though she enjoyed the process of making a mess with the spoon.

We got to celebrate my dad's birthday with him, which was fun. My mom took us out to dinner & because my dad is the last person on earth who would want to be part of a restaurant birthday scene, she made sure he had one :)

When we got back from Palm Springs, Burnsaniuk went camping to celebrate Sarah's 30th birthday. To make it extra special, Roma and I surprised her with the most embarrassing balloon we could possibly find.

The best part of the embarrassing balloon? Jackson was obsessed with it. He spent 80 percent of his time flaunting it as he ran around the campsite with it tied to his pants.

In addition to an embarrassing balloon, I unintentionally baked the world's ugliest cake. It wasn't so ugly before it traveled, I swear...

El was a trooper. She played in her exersaucer...

And hung out with Jackson in the kiddie-tent:

Roma got to fish...

And El-Bell and I got to hang out with Sarah & Jackie...

Oh, and Sarah & Steve unintentionally dress liked twins...

That made the trip extra awesome.

In Ellie news, we went to the doctor yesterday for our (somewhat late) four month check-up. She is now 15 lbs, 12 oz (74th percentile) & 26.5 inches long (96th percentile). She's got two bottom teeth poking through & giving her a bit a grief; but other than that, she's doing great & continuing to bring so much joy to our days.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Elsy-belsy-boos & Wacky-Jacky

Elsy-belsy-boos & Wacky-Jacky are buds.

Eleanor is just growing by leaps and bounds, I swear. This week she rolled over for the first time. We were hanging out on the floor you know, just chilling and doing some tummy-time when all the sudden, she tipped to the side and over she rolled. She had big 'ole saucer-surprise eyes and for a moment wasn't sure if she should cry. But then I swooped in and showered her with praise and she was all smiles.

She likes sitting up more and more in both her bumbo and the exersaucer. She gets tired really fast in both because it's a lot of work for her little body. As most with things, she loves it loves it ... until she doesn't :)

She's started grabbing and pulling on things that dangle. (Hair & earings beware!) The first time she pulled the butterfly off of her "activity arch" (yes, that's what it's called) she squeeled with delight.

It wasn't all fun and games this week though. She did go on a 24 hour nursing strike wherein she flat out refused the boob. Let me tell you, not only did the boob feel rejected; but the boob was super depressed at the thought that Els might never nurse again... Silly boob. So sensitive and dramatic.

Here are some fun pictures of Eleanor in the exersaucer:

It used to be Jackson's and he still thinks it's pretty cool. I'm all for putting him in it because A) in confines him for a brief period of time, and B) it's just hilarious.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Couple of Thoughts & Some Pics

Just a couple of thoughts:

Sarah and I are taking a boot camp class at the YMCA during July. It started today and it kicked my butt. I may not be able to lift my baby...

We spent Sunday and Monday with Steve's family out at his parent's lake cabin. It was lovely, though a little nuts what with a 10-year-old, a seven-year-old, two five-year-olds, a two-year-old, a one-year-old and my little Eleanor-cakes. (There were also seven adults and four dogs to boot...)

When we got back from the lake last night, I walked into the house to find that I had somehow, someway, not closed the freezer all the way. The only major casualty was my entire stock of frozen breast-milk. I'm not going to lie, it was quite a loss.

Here are some pictures of Els from the weekend:

I sure love that girl :) And you know who else I love, love, love? This goofy guy:

Friday, July 1, 2011


The Romaniuks have been pretty busy since I last blogged. Eleanor and I spent a lovely, lovely week down in California visiting family. The week flew by and I saw almost everyone I wanted to see so that was nice. When we got back, Roma, Ellie and I went over to western washington to visit our dear friends Matt & Darcy. I brought the camera but of course, failed to take a single picture. Lame. In the middle of all our travels, Els turned three months. She is squealing and gurgling with the best of them now. She's super close to rolling over. She is very independent and prefers to be on her back kicking or in her chair bouncing and looking around to being held and cuddled. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. She was named after a very independent woman :)

Here are some pictures from our trip down south...

Ellie was a good sport for this photo session. Here she is with grammy and grampy:

And Uncle Jason:
And Great Grandma Ann:

She loved meeting Great Grandpa Jack. She gave him lots of smiles. Here he is giving her a bottle:
We went for our first dip in the swimming pool. I was excited to see her in her cute suit. I think my expectations were a bit high. We were in the pool for all of 30 seconds. These pictures sum the experience up best :)
Perhaps she would have enjoyed herself more if she weren't blinded by the sun...

In other Eleanor news, she is now spending some supervised time in her bumbo:

And she is enjoying summer vacation with her cousin Jackson who is now home all day too. He's such a sweetie. He likes to give Eleanor kisses and sing her songs and read her books :)

Like I said earlier, Els is smiling a lot now and talking up a storm to herself, though the minute the camera comes out she gets all quiet and coy. I did manage to get a subdued smile out of her during bath time. The video isn't the best quality but it'll do. Enjoy :)