Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ellie-bits to Share

Just a couple of tidbits to share:

Grandma and Grandpa have arrived from California so Grandpa finally got to hold little Eleanor:

And Eleanor finally got a chance to protest:

Grandpa was unfazed. Of course, he has a lot of experience with gassy, screaming babies as yours truly was quite the handful for the first five months of life. Yours truly apparently also spent the first months of life glaring at my own grandfather and we're good friends now, so this photo must mean those two have lovely times in store for them down the road:)

Speaking of yours truly being a screamy, gassy, colicky baby who couldn't tolerate cow's milk and only let her mother hold her...

Eleanor isn't nearly that bad, but the girl has a delicate stomach and what appears to be a milk sensitivity so I'm off dairy. If you know me, you know that I love cheese. In fact, I once may have stated that if I were to rob a grocery store -- which I assure you, I won't be doing -- I would take the cheese. That's how much I love cheese people. Not being able to eat it is like, a huge lifestyle change. It's also my own baby karma coming back to get me.

However, I love this little girl more than I love cheese. So it's all good.

Because that little smirk is to worth it...

Especially since sometimes, when making that smirk, she gets distracted by her nose...

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