Friday, April 8, 2011

Snake-Monkey Baby and Other Lessons For This New Mama

Hard to believe but it's been two weeks since my beautiful Eleanor Elisabeth was born. In the two weeks since she's been here, I've learned a few things. Things such as:

1. Accomplishing one task a day is a sufficient goal. Today's task is to blog. So far, partly accomplished but we will see if I can also get it posted. That may be tomorrow's task.

2. Sometimes a newborn will shed all its skin. This I did not know. I have a beautiful snake baby.

3. Sometimes, newborns look like little monkeys-- at least mine does. I call her my beautiful snake-monkey baby. And even though she is less and less of a snake-monkey everyday, it's kind of a fun thing to say so it might stick around for awhile.

4. Four hours of uninterrupted sleep is the most glorious thing in the world. I never thought that four would be such a magic number... heck, three and a half is pretty heavenly too.

5. Lack of sleep + changing hormones + gassy baby = one weepy mother.

6. Sometimes, changing hormones + nothing at all = one weepy mother. For some reason, I am embarrassed to admit it, but it's the truth: there have been some weepy moments and well, one or two weepy days in the past couple weeks. Nothing too dramatic except I for one, could have done without crying to the pediatrician over my snake-monkey's acid reflux & gas issues... We'll have to uh, save face next time and be extra non-weepy.

7. Don't underestimate the power of the swaddle.

8. Breastfeeding is super painful at first, like, who-punched-me-over-and-over-in-the-boobies painful; but, it is so totally worth it.

9. Parental love of a child is an animal all it's own. I can't believe how much I love my little girl and how suddenly, all my anxieties, which were previously self-centered, are now directed solely on her and her well-being. I expected to love her, but the depth and breadth of this love is somewhat overwhelming. I feel so blessed.

Those are the lessons I've learned thus far, but at only two weeks in, no doubt I'll be learning more. My next goal is to share a little narrative of Eleanor's birth, which was, hands down, the most beautiful day of my life. However, that might require a good week's worth of goal setting to get done. Here's hoping I can do it before she turns 12.

Eleanor is doing great. At her aforementioned 10-day doctor's visit she had gained a whole pound. Go snake-monkey baby! (And go mama's aforementioned sore boobies...) She is such a sweet little joy.

That's all for now. I'm off to snuggle my beauty and eagerly anticipate the arrival of Grandma and Grandpa from California later this week :)

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