Monday, July 5, 2010

Landscape Shots & Snipits from the Weekend

Day two of Dima's birthday festivities was spent fishing and shashleeking with his family friends. We drove about 15 miles outside of Bar to the secluded summer home of some friend of a friend. One thing that I love about being here is that you don't need to go very far to feel like you're in the middle of nowhere. Here are some of my favorite landscape shots.

(Across the pond are fields and fields of sunflowers)

(The summer house out in the middle of all the fields)

*Note the Lada (ie: the small white car with it's trunk open) and imagine six adults and two children squeezed into that car. (Yep, that's how we roll here folks.) Now, imagine that the driver of the Lada was given the wrong directions and what should have been a 20 minute drive actually took an hour and a half. And, if you will, imagine that it was a hot day but that because there were children in the car, the only window that was allowed to be open was the driver's window. Sadly, you are not the driver so you had no relief from the oppressive heat. Imagine now, that you are the only one without a body on your lap and thus, are in charge of holding a plate of jello that, due to the oppressive heat and unnecessarily long drive, slowly begins to melt all over your husband's new running shorts, which coincidently, you had begged him to let you wear. Add that the jello was not just any jello, but meat jello and you'll maybe be able to understand why I've never been so happy to reach a destination in my life :)

(A shot from the bank of the pond next to the house)

(Wheat fields)

(Early evening sky reflecting off the water)

(Look closely, and you'll see Roma & Sasha's brother, Alosha, fishing in a little blue boat)

1 comment:

  1. I was smiling as I was reading this-especially about being crowded in the car until I got to the line about the meat jello. Imagine me snarling at that point...
