Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tidbits & A 30th ANNIVERSARY!

We had a wonderful time with (Hugo) Boss and (Hugo) Vicka at the sea. Pictures and a more detailed account of our brief trip will be posted soon. However, in the mean time, a couple of tidbits:

(in Ukraine, where it is already July 26th)
is my parent's 30th Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Momu & Papu!!
You guys are the best!

In other news:
My sister sent Veronika the cutest dress...

She flaunts it all over town.

Thanks Auntie Sarah!

In other less compelling news:

Last week Olechka and I made sushi.

It was delicious. I ate my weight in it.

In closing:

Roma and I are headed into Vinnystia today. The primary purpose of our trek into the big city is to pay a visit to Aunt Tanya (i.e. Val's mom). While there, we hope to track down our own sushi making supplies so we can make it for the family.

Also, Roma's grandfather did not have the operation after all. In the end, the doctor determined that grandpa was "too old" to survive even a small surgery. Instead, the doctors are trying him on some medication that should make it easier to use the restroom, but will not address the cancer.



That's all for now, folks.
Our love to all.


  1. I am so happy you guys got the package. So if any of the surge protectors won't work or if the water shoes I sent don't fit, bring them back because I saved the receipts. The dress looks absolutely adorable on the little munchkin. She is so stinking cute! I'm glad I opted for the 3T instead of the 2T.

  2. Dude, is your blog up and at 'em yet?
